In 2022, Neem was approached by two expats living and working in the UAE. They had a problem and a dream to solve it. The journey through the housing market in the UAE is a perilous one; fraught with danger from rogue agents seeking to make quick money using underhand tactics, and excessive commission costs that drive charges through the roof.
Develop a digital solution that transforms the Real Estate Market, handing back control to the people who matter; the buyers and sellers.
Neem ran creative sessions with key stakeholders to lay the foundations for a disruptive brand even covering the name as well as full corporate branding. Then it set about delivering the dream – An accessible mobile app and web application were built seamlessly to provide a comprehensive platform for buying, selling, and renting property including functionality for property search, creating listings, messaging, managing and making offers and much more.
Nunza – A ground-breaking, industry-first, Real Estate digital platform in the UAE. Nunza launched in July of ’23 and continues to disrupt the market and set new precedents… watch this space.