Processing 5.5billion lines of Global supply chain data.
Unilever’s Global chief supply chain officer was tasked to reduce the about of stock reserves in Unilever globally to less than $4.2billion, however, there was an issue, there was no way to report the global inventory. After conversations with different providers, Unilever was quoted months in order to supply the data, this is where Neem stepped in.
In a matter of days, the team at Neem delivered the biggest development project to date. Neem has always been good at pulling out data from SAP. Where other companies use BODS we came along with a more agile approach and implemented technology which allowed us to read tables in SAP quickly and easily.
Not only did they now have sight of the global supply chain and the amount in reserve for the first time ever, but they were now in a position to build on this report. They wanted to be able to see stock data, planning data, supply data and production data.
The result was a global view of product data allowing them to meet their target of reducing stock reserves.
SCDG now processes 22TB of data, monthly it processes 5.5billion lines of data, 24,000 jobs, 700 functions 500 integrations and 1,900 tables and views. All of this is managed by 1 person rather than 20 people which other similar systems require.